Our Work > Mental Health - 2nd Generation Anti-Psychotics
Qualitative - In-Depth Interviews (IDIs) - End-User Journey Map exploration and validation - Target Product Profile (TPP) testing and building - Checking 2nd generation appeal and barriers
Understand the patient journey from the perception of critical healthcare providers (HCPs), check for consistencies and differences between HCPs and patients. Understand the current treatment pathway, its benefits, and opportunities to strengthen skills. Test / check 2nd generation TPP for appeal, resonance, importance and likely impact. Support the creation of an HCP-focused support program
n=30 qualitative discussions across major mental health institutions
Research tools translated + ethically approved
All research tools (Screeners, Discussion Guides, Show Cards) 2 PowerPoint Presentations (PPTs) + online strategy workshop with critical project and J&J stakeholders