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Our Work > The Contraceptive Injections (DMPA + DMPA-SC)

The Contraceptive Injections (DMPA + DMPA-SC)

The Contraceptive Injections (DMPA + DMPA-SC)


Nigeria - Uganda

Research Techniques

Qualitative - Focus Groups (FGs) - Side Effects - Value proposition - R2R Behavioural Economics Quickfires- Human-Centred Design (HCD) - Consumer Target product Profile (CTTP) creation and testing - Quantitative - Forecast


Understand women's and partners' contraceptive injection experience (current users, those who have stopped using, naive users). Uncover the appeal and perceived barriers of the DMPA and DMPA-sub cutaneous, Consumer Target Product Profiles (CTPPs). Appreciate the impact and perception of side-effects through human-centred design exercises. Understand willingness to try and impact of attribute comparisons across the discussion through Routes2Results' (R2R) trademarked behavioural economics-based exercise 'Quickfires'. Refine CTPPs post qualitative and quantitative phases. Quantitatively test various profiles, appeal, and forecast likelihood of trial/use and impact on contraceptive market


n=600 in 100 Focus Groups across 8 end-user typologies including women and male partners, with Quickfires trade-off game, HCD side effects card exercises and experience mapping n=1,410 30-minute quantitative Face-to-Face (F2F) end-user interviews


Research in urban + rural settings, from lower socio-economic backgrounds Research tools translated + ethically approved


All research tools (Screeners, Discussion Guides, Show Cards, Surveys, HCD bespoke Exercises, Conjoint Exercises) Consumer Target Product Profiles (CTPPs) for research 3 PowerPoint Presentation reports - 3 webinars (2 internal and 1 external) - a forecast model and simulator

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